Top 4 benefits of Email Marketing



As discussed earlier in the Digital Marketing Strategy post, Email Marketing is one of the most powerful techniques to carry out your marketing strategy,

Especially, the business to business email marketing.

Let’s dive directly in the topic and let’s understand more what is email marketing and how we can use it in a perfect way.

Email Marketing Definition

Email Marketing is the process of sending your advertisements or your company offer to your customer’s list through a bulk email or direct email by using an email marketing system or email marketing tools.

According to your customer list number, There are many email marketing tools or email marketing system you can use.

As you cannot send bulk email for the 100k email list.

On the other hand, if your customer email list is limited you can send a direct email with your message by using your business email address.

There are many email marketing companies that offer the bulk email service for companies that have a limited number of campaigns,

However, for medium size to big size companies, they are using their own system as they send bulk email for their email list on a regular basis

Email Marketing Benefits

Email Marketing campaigns have many benefits, especially for business to business email marketing.

Let’s give attention to the key benefits of email marketing

1- The Correct Targeted Audience.

By sending bulk email to your email list, You 100% guarantee that you are speaking with the correct targeted customer,

However, advertising on Radio, for example,

will go without any control from your side whom exactly will see or listen to it.

Email marketing gives you the full control over your email list and even you can have a customized template for each one inside your email list according to your customer segmentation.

2- Best Return On Investment (ROI)

Email marketing offers you the best cost-effective way for your investment as the conversion rate will be better than investment in any paid advertising way like paid search engine ads.

3- Boost Brand Awareness

By every email, you send to your email list, Your brand awareness increases and by the time your products or services will be on top of mind when they decide to buy.

Also, your customers are human, In other words, They have their own community which increase your chances to have their recommendations to their colleagues and friends about your products or your services.

Word of mouth or influencers Marketing has a great effect and it will help you to convert your potential customers to loyal customers.

4- Can Go Viral Easy

Yes Viral, But how this email will go viral?

What about a special incentive scheme for your loyal customer list, This incentive would be something like a free product or discounted registration fees if they shared your email.

If you have the suitable content, nice design and the correct call to action it will do.

Yes, It works 100% and I will show you how exactly to go viral in the coming post. Keep Alert.

Now let’s have some examples of strategies that show a great success.

Email Marketing Strategy

The strategy is part of your previously approved marketing strategy.

Using this kind of channels is effective tools when you are sending your email in good design, content and time.

Also, there are many strategies you can easily use while preparing your email marketing strategy.

Let’s discuss the most popular 4 strategies.

1- Make Personalized Email

Of course, you can’t make a personal email for every customer, However, you can have customized content for each customer segments. Also by adding their personal names in the top that will be great.

2- Mobile-Friendly Email

Make sure that your email is suitable for customers on mobile, As most of the people now are using mobile phones to check their email, Rather than the laptop or desktop.

3- Test Before Send

If you are using bulk email sender or even a professional platform, You need to make sure that your message is good.

Make sure there is no grammar mistakes, no broken links or unresponsive images.

Send a test email first to yourself and check, Once everything is fine to use the bulk email sender.

4- Email Marketing Automation

Set your platform or software settings to send an automatic email to your email list.

Set the conditions that match with your strategy and marketing plan, And don’t forget to set the time as well as sending time is very important for better conversion rate.


Email Campaign Types

There are three main types of email campaigns,

Newsletter: Send regular emails (on a weekly or monthly basis) to discuss some features or benefits that are related to your products or services.

Marketing Offer: Send your offer to your customers, Encourage early birds with extra benefits like discounts or free add-on

Announcement: Have a special announcement about your company, Share it via Email

Event Invitation: Invite your customers to your events either launch events or some special ceremonies.

Newsletter Marketing

The newsletter is the top scaling for a successful marketing campaign.

You have now your email list with hundreds or even thousands of your loyal customers, So all that you need to do is to send them a newsletter on a monthly or even weekly basis.

Newsletter marketing will increase your conversion rate dramatically and for sure your sales as well.

There is more than one popular agency that provides the newsletter service to send bulk email to your email list.

You have many email marketing agencies like, Mailchimp that offer the newsletter marketing even for free for the registered users.

Email Marketing Free

Searching free software, Let me give you a hand.

Here are a few lists with trusted companies that offer you free software.

This will help you creating and tracking your email campaign

Find out more Free Email Marketing Software 

Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Templates

Finally here is a list of free Templates you can use for your campaigns.

These templates are very suitable for small companies as they have 2500 subscribes or less.

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